Active Ingredient: 200 g/l Esfenvalerate
Formulation : Emulsion concentrate (EC)
Packaging : 500 ml
A contact insecticide with stomach action.
Method Of Application
In the cotton field, the plants on 6-8 randomly selected cotton lines of 3 m are checked and bollworm eggs and larva are counted. If there are an average of 2-5 larvae on a line of 3 m, management is decided.
The psyllids are counted in all 25 leaves, as 1 taken from lower, middle and upper parts of the main body of the plants randomly selected against the psyllids in cotton. In this way, the average number of pests per leaf is found in a total of 100 leaves from the entire area. The administration should be performed when an average of 10 psyllids are detected per leaf.
Cotton bollworm in tomato: Treatment is immediately started if 5/100 plants are found to be contaminated.
In apple codling moth management, sprayings are done according to a forecast and warning system. The aim of apple codling moth management is keeping the trees sprayed at the time of larva emergence in each generation and killing the larva before entering the fruit.
A spraying against leaf psyllid in pistachio should be carried out when 20-30 nymphs are seen per compound leaf.
Against hazelnut weevil, in the inspections made when the fruits come to lentil size, in case more than 2/10 hazelnut weevils are observed, administration is made.
In grapevine moth management, sprayings are done according to a forecast and warning system. If the number of moths caught in traps has reached peak and started to fall; accumulated degree-days reach 120 degree-days in the first generation, 520 degree-days in the second generation and 1047 degree-days in the third generation; and if, from a phenological perspective, first generation corresponds to the flower bud stage, second generation to unripe grape and third generation to start of sweetening; eggs are checked and spraying is decided according to hatching. One spraying is done for each generation.
Corn: The first spraying is done after the first eggs of the pest are seen, followed by 2nd and 3rd sprayings done at 15-day intervals.
Compatibility: Can be mixed with many insecticides and fungicides except highly alkaline products. A preliminary test is recommended before actual mixture preparation.Compatibility: Can be mixed with many insecticides and fungicides except highly alkaline products. A preliminary test is recommended before actual mixture preparation.